Refugee speaker Shamaila

Since the Refugee Speaker Programme launched in November, presentations have been delivered to a variety of organisations in and around Glasgow, transforming prejudice through dialogue and storytelling.


Sharing the natural beauty and culture of their home countries through words and pictures, refugee speakers have enabled listeners to relate to their own culture, allowing them to overcome misconceptions.

School children have also enjoyed experiencing the safari with accounts of Sudan’s rich wildlife from one refugee speaker.

Talks have sparked off questions ranging from “Do you miss your family?” to “How did you find the change of weather in coming to Scotland?”, and lively discussions about picking up a ‘Glaswegian accent’.


Despite having little experience in public speaking – especially in English- they have made remarkable progress. My role as coordinator is to support speakers in creating presentations as well as to gather the necessary cultural and historical material.

I am doing this for a good cause. If I can help to change people’s attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers,  it would be a big achievement for me.”

I have trained them in using Powerpoint, mentored them and often accompany each one to the talks untill they feel ready to go solo. One female speaker from Pakistan commented that the programme has given her more confidence saying, “after each talk I can’t wait for the next one”.


Speakers have affected listeners with their personal encounters with persecution, violence  and even torture.

The progamme offers the space to freely communicate the harsh realities of what refugees have encountered. It benefits speakers and audiences alike as it is allows refugees to share their real-life experiences. For example, many have experienced destitution.

Invite a speaker!

If you’re interested inviting a refugee speaker or organising a event, please email or phone Kirsty White on 0141 223 7921 to discuss your event and find out how we may be able to help.

Chris Pettigrew
Author: Chris Pettigrew